When & Where

Meetings are held via Zoom at 6:00pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month unless otherwise announced here. The link for the Zoom meeting can be found on the MSC Calendar page.

Meetings Scheduled after November 2023 Annual General Meeting will be added to the calendar during the Annual General Meeting.

For information about in-person public comment guidelines, see the link in general resources to the right.

Public Comment (Virtual)

MSC Board of Directors has been meeting virtually. In order to fulfill our desire to hear from the public the MSC Board has approved and implemented the following guidelines for virtual meetings.

Login information can be found on the meeting agenda located on the MSC website Agendas section on the Board page or by sending an email to board-chair@montessori-camden.com

Required Information & Etiquette

All comments must include the name and address of the submitter. All comments must be received by noon one (1) day prior to the scheduled meeting. The comments shall be limited to three hundred (300) words or less. The Board Chair is authorized to paraphrase the reading of the comments into the record in order to optimize time efficiency of the public meeting.

For virtual meetings there will be a Facebook post on the MSC page with similar instructions.

In order for an orderly meeting and to be consistent with Robert's Rules or Order the microphones will be muted for all attendees other than invited presenters and Board members.

These procedures allow us to be consistent with in-person public meetings when the Public Comment period is the time on the agenda for public participation.

Submitting by Mail

Public comment can be submitted by mail to the following mailing address:

The Montessori School of Camden

Attn: President of the Board

Two Montessori Way

Camden, SC 29020

Submitting by Email

Public comment can also be submitted by email to board-chair@montessori-camden.com

Get Involved

The MSC Board of Directors is looking for individuals who are interested in serving as board members. Board members set policy and make critical decisions impacting MSC. If you would like to get involved as either a board member or participate in a board committee please contact the MSC Board President at board-chair@montessori-camden.com.

General Resources
Board Meeting Agendas
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Retreats